Water intake fees as an instrument for sustainble water resources management
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Cracow University of Economics
Publication date: 2014-02-12
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Krzysztof Berbeka
Cracow University of Economics, Rakowicka St. 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management, 1(1),3-8
The main target of this paper is to develop the hypothesis that water intake fees can be an efficient tool for management of water consumption in Poland. The sample used in the research consists of 600 municipal water operators with a market share over 80% in the municipal sector. The analysis comprises several tasks: firstly -the investigation of the relation between water intake fees and the structure of the costs of water provision; secondly- the investigation of an influence of fees on the unit prices and the review of their changes during the last decade, and thirdly - the analysis of demand elasticity in order to estimate demand reaction. The results obtained give an estimation of possible savings in water usage in Poland that would result from changes in the system of water intake. The analysis includes all the mechanisms of fee reductions or exemptions for certain purposes, of existing water intake in Poland. This analysis complies, compares and processes incremental results from several pieces of research led by the author over the last 10 years for the Ministry of Environment, National and Regional Water Boards and also for the Institute for Meteorology and Water Management. Research was focused on the economic analysis of water usage from a more general view, however, the water intake fees are taken into account in these papers, although not as separate targets for investigations.