Water deficits in the water economics complex of Crimea
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Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea
V.I.Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University
Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
Agrophysical Research Institute
St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
Publication date: 2019-01-04
Corresponding author
Alex Topaj   

Agrophysical Research Institute, 14, Grazhdansky pr., 195220 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management, 7(1),57-64
In recent years, the natural and economic situation in the Republic of Crimea has developed in such a way that the amount of available water resources is less than the amount of water necessary for the socio-economic development of the peninsula. This article considers one of the main water management hazards for the territory of Crimea: a lack of water. The aim of this study was to assess the water deficit and determine ways to minimize the impact of risk exposures on the population, the economy and the ecosystem as a whole. Options are provided to ensure that (1) the water economic complex supplies water to consumers in sufficient quantity and quality, and (2) the ecological status of water bodies is maintained at a high level. For example, local wastewater treatment and desalination of sea water can be used in agro-industry and the water economic complex both for individual agricultural producers and for large enterprises. The economic efficiency of the use of technologies to reduce the environmental threats of the water economic complex was assessed using technologies to increase water availability. The analysis of the quality of water resources is given, and options for improving the indicators of raw water-pipe water are proposed.
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