Causes of periodical rainfall distribution and long-term forecast of precipitation for Lankaran,
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Publication date: 2018-06-21
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Naila Hasanova
Baku State University, Acad. Z.Khalilov 23, AZ1148 Baku, Azerbaijan
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management, 6(2),39-43
Irregular rainfall distribution is receiving considerable attention. The amount of rainfall for one region can account for 500-600 mm, sometimes 1000 mm. For example, in the year 1985, Zagtala in Azerbaijan received 716 mm of rainfall, while in 1988, 2004 and 2008 − 1 151, 1 306 and 661 mm, respectively, were measured. In Lankaran 2 061 mm were measured in 1982 and 470 mm in 1999. Generally, rainfall distribution differs across the
Republic of Azerbaijan. In this study, the physical side of such variations was clarified. In relation to that, the movement speed of the atmosphere in regard of the rotation of the Earth was analyzed, showing that the difference in rainfall distribution, according to the time structure, is connected to the direction change of the atmospheric movement.
Generally, the reasons for atmospheric movements cannot be identified as the rotation movement of the earth, mainly because both environments show different activities. While the processes happening in the atmosphere often change, influenced by the pressure gradient, the rotation movement of the earth is more stationary. We also evaluated the rainfall forecast method for the region Lankaran. Taking into account its simplicity, the Shuster method was used. Observation data was divided into stationary and casual elements. Selection of periodicals was determined by separation of long term meteorological data into harmonic functions. By accepting the variation, the coefficient casual item was added.